
It must first be acknowledged that WORSHIPPING WITH GOD’S WORD: An Exhaustive Reference for Preparing Scripturally Based Worship Services is the product of God. This is because it contains the words of God as recorded in the Bible. For it was the Holy Spirit of God who inspired the writers in what to put into the Bible. And it was Jesus, the Word of God, who came to our planet and gave us “the words of eternal life” which we have four records of in the Bible. And it was God the Father’s will that His Word would be preserved over the centuries in the Bible for our benefit.  Yes, the author of this reference work is God Himself and I am merely its editor who has organized His Word so that pastors and other worship leaders can quickly and easily find the scriptures that they want to incorporate into their worship services.

Second, I want to acknowledge and thank the Lord for my wonderful Christian wife, Joan, who has supported me 100% in producing WORSHIPPING WITH GOD’S WORD: An Exhaustive Reference for Preparing Scripturally Based Worship Services over the more than 34 years that it has taken to produce it.

Third, I want to thank the members of my Doctor of Ministry group at Drew University who helped me produce some of the contents of WORSHIPPING WITH GOD’S WORD: Rev. Dr. Debbi Brooks, Rev. Dr. Rosieta Burton, Rev. Ken Hess, Rev. Paul Kritsch, Mrs. Helen Lehman, Rev. Dr. Kevin Miller, Msgr. John Philip O’Connor, Rev. Dr. John “Jay”  Redic II, Rev. Miguel Valentin, and my wife Joan Wetzel, with a special thanks to Rev Dr. Kevin Miller for his extensive inputs. I also want to thank Rev. Philip Carr-Jones, Rev. Lamont Granby, Rev. JoAnne McNeil, and Rev. Dr. Neil Presa for their suggestions.

I also want to thank those members of the Garwood Presbyterian Church who helped type some of the contents of this reference work and especially Becky Schenker along with Donna Boley, Helen Lehman, and my wife Joan.

The internet site for WORSHIPPING WITH GOD’S WORD was first put online in December of 2017. After this, I asked a small group of people to give me their opinions of it. From this, two people gave me very helpful suggestions in January of 2018 of how to improve the audio that can be played on the home page and they were incorporated on it. Therefore, my thanks goes to Pastor Ken Underhill of the Jackson Baptist Church in Jackson, NJ, and Rev. Doug Chase of the Brick Presbyterian Church in Brick, NJ, for their suggestions.

I am also thankful for the suggestion that I received in March of 2018 that the video on the home page should not play automatically every time that a visitor was there because it was distracting. So I changed the video so that it would only play together with the audio on the home page when a visitor clicked on a play button on that page. Later the video was removed from the page. I am also thankful that God led me to make other changes and improvements to this site myself in 2018 which included adding a Google Translate feature to it in June.

On February 20, 2019, Bill Kirsch of the of the Pan-Africa Theological Seminary in Togo, Africa, contacted me with the suggestion of putting each of the lines of words on the home page in a dark box in order to make them easier to read. This excellent suggestion was incorporated on the site on February 25, 2019. Later, after the video on the home page was removed, the lines of words on it were changed to be the same green color as the title of the page.

In May 2022, Marie Luthringer, who is on the staff of the Presbytery of the Coastlands of the Presbyterian Church (USA), made the suggestion to change the color of the list of categories that are in a column on the right of all of the site’s posts to blue since they are links and this was done.


Gary Wetzel